If you have absolutely no idea how to do this coupon thing or feel lost when others talk about "Stacking,RP,SS and other lingo then this is the place to start!
How Many Stores are in your Area?
There may be more than you think! You may find yourself shopping at stores that you thought were possibly too expensive, but they actually "may" have better deals when using coupons.
Coupon Policy's
Did you know that Dollar General and Family Dollar take coupons?
Also if its not in their policy clearly BE SURE to ask if the take internet printed coupons AND if they accept competitor coupons- this is a BIG one because Walmart advertises they take competitor coupons but on the fine print of their policy the competitor coupons must be "Manufacturer Coupons" as well... meaning they must state manufacturer coupon on them and have a mailing address for the store to send for reimbursement.
Weekly Ads
Next get the Weekly Ads from the stores near you including Family Dollar and Dollar General. Grocery Stores as well as Walgreens, CVS and Rite-Aid ads.
I know this sounds overwhelming already but once you get started its like second nature and you will be a whiz at it!!
After getting your weekly ads you can cross reference the "Sale" items with the coupons you have to determine the best deal for you.
Another way to do this is to Google your store name, example: Publix Weekly Ad Matchup.
There are alot of wonderful sites that have this already done for you so this will cut alot of the time!!
Loyalty Card
If the store has a loyalty card, get one!! This is the only way that you will get the sale prices.
Understanding a 10 for $10 Sale
If a store has something on sale 10 for $10.00 or 2 for $5.00 etc... you are NOT obligated to buy that many to get the sale price unless the sale specifically states that you do!
If they are on sale 10 for $10 then they will ring up as $1 and so on...
Also these "Sales" are not always a great deal! If you know your prices and for instance the canned vegetables are one that always gets me, I KNOW they usually are priced around 89 cents, then a sale of 10 for $10 is one you can just pass on!!
Double Coupons: If a store doubles coupons be sure to ask what they double up to, most stores are up to 50 cents but there are some that do higher.
Example: Canned Tomatoes are on sale for 10 for $10.00. You have a 50 cent off 1 coupon. Your store doubles up to 50 cents so that item will be FREE!!
Stacking Coupons: Target,Publix,Walgreens are 3 I know for sure that allow you to use "Their Store Coupon" with a manufacturer coupon. Their Store coupons are Usually found on-line at their web sites or in the front of the store with the flyers, also get on mailing lists for your stores so you can get some mailed to you!!
Example: Walgreens has Scott Paper Towels on sale for $5, you have a $1/1 manufacturer coupon ( either an on-line printed one or a cut one from the Sunday Paper etc) then Walgreens has one in their coupon booklet for $2/1 Scott Towels... This means you will get them for $2 AFTER you "Stack" the coupons!!
What to do if they are out of the item and the sale ends soon or that day:
Raincheck: Rainchecks are the solution. Why? They will give you the sale price on the item you want when it is back on the shelf even after the sale is over! You may have anywhere from 2 weeks to a year to get that price depending on the expiration date of the raincheck. By that time you may have newer and better coupons. Most stores will allow at least 2 rainchecks per item, again every store varies so check with your individual stores policy for Rainchecks which can be obtained by asking the manager on duty.
This is just a start for New Couponers, there's alot to learn but again it will come easily once you get the hang of it!
Coupon Abbreviations : ( You may see these on Blogs, Coupon sites etc)
BLINKIES = In Store Smart Source Coupons
BOGO/B1G1 = Buy One Get One
CATALINA = Coupon printed at register after purchased
CNP = Coupon Near Product (similar to BLINKIES)
CRT = Customer Receipt Tape (CVS receipt coupons)
DND = Do not Double (Some coupons have this)
DOUBLE COUPON = Coupon that grocery stores double in value
EB/ECB = ExtraCare Bucks (CVS)
ES = Easy Saver (Walgreens)
FAR = Free After Rebate
GM = General Mills (Newspaper insert)
K = Kellogg’s (Newspaper Insert)
MIR = Mail in Rebate
OOP = Out of Pocket
P&G = Proctor & Gamble (Newspaper Insert)
Peelie = Coupon you peel off package
RP= Red Plum (Newspaper Insert)
RR = Rebate Rewards (Walgreens)
SS= Smart Source (Newspaper Insert)
STACKING = Using stores allow multiple use of coupons – manufacturer’s & store coupons
TEAR PAD = A pad of coupons near a product or on display
WYB= When You Buy
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary Secondly, be sure you learn their coupon policies. This is tricky because all stores are different. You can find most store policies on-line or you can simply ask their Customer Service Desk.
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